Monday 14 March 2016

Tips for Packing Small Kitchen Appliances before Moving

A modern kitchen is never complete without a whole range of electrical appliances. It is almost impossible to cook by using them on a day to day basis. Most of these appliances are small and require very less space for transportation.  So when you hire a truck from the movers and packers in Pune, you can place a number of appliances in a medium box and transport them together. However there are certain safety tips which you should follow regarding packing kitchen appliances to ensure they do not suffer any breakage. 

Tips for Safely Packing Kitchen Appliances
·       Make sure the appliances are safely removed from the power source before you start packing.
·       Clean the appliances thoroughly and ensure that it is dry before you begin to pack them.
·       Remove any detachable parts of the machine and pack them is a separate zip lock bag.
·       Cover each part of the machine like separate blenders in a wrapping paper and place them in a box.
·       If you have the original boxes, you can use those boxes. In case you do not have a packing box, you can use store bought packaging boxes for this purpose.
·       You can put more than one appliance in the box. Make sure each item is grouped separately and is covered adequately.
·       Fill up the extra space with old newsprint or bubble wrap.
·       Seal the box properly with heavy duty tapes and mark them as per their contents before handing them over to your packers and movers from Pune.

Packing Fragile Items
Items like coffee mugs, dinner ware, glassware, bone china crockery are very fragile and prone to maximum damage. Covering them in Newsprint is not enough. Instead of newsprint, use bubble wrap for extra security. While packing plates, place them sideways, instead of placing them flat on the box. This would not only save space, but also protect them from maximum damage.  When you place them in the box, don’t forget to mark the face up side with and marker and label the item as fragile, so that the packers and movers in Pune take extra precaution while offloading them.
Unlike any other room, the kitchen takes up the maximum amount of time in packing. This tiny corner has a lot of diverse items, which need separate packing and labeling. So start your job early to ensure that you do not leave anything unfinished at the last hour.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Office Relocation Checklist

Relocating your business or office can be challenging, the key to success is planning and preparation. Breaking down the complex office relocation process into simple and manageable tasks can make your move extremely convenient and hassle-free. Use this comprehensive office relocation checklist to organize your move and be on track.
Preliminary Tasks
-          Send a notice to present landlord about termination date
-          Appoint a staff member as move coordinator
-          Take into consideration the condition of office equipment and computer. Determine what is to be replaced or upgraded
-          Advise your staff of location and date of move
-          Make a change-of-address list
-          Interview and hire the best packers and movers   
General Pre-Move
-          Book loading docks and elevators for your moving day
-          Get an estimate from packers and movers and have a contract in writing
-          Create an inventory of all office furniture that needs to be moved
-          Create a packing schedule. Determine what items can be packed in advance and what can be packed last so that your office can continue to work efficiently with lest interruption
-          Code and label all office furniture and equipment
-          Order new office furniture, equipment and stationery
-          Check whether you will get insurance coverage for the move Confirm all details of the move with your movers and packers and confirm the value for insurance during transit 
-          Get Certificate of Occupancy and other important license and permits
-          Mail moving notice to banks and financial institutions, clients and customers, professional organizations, insurance companies, credit accounts, telephone company, special services and prospects
-          Determine security procedures for office relocation
-          Get any special moving or parking permit
-          Take into consideration building restrictions during move hours
1 Week before You Move
-          Arrange with movers and packers to have sensitive items packed. This include telephone, computers, network equipment and servers
-          Determine packing needs of your employees and communicate the same with your mover
-          Get all packing supplies. Ask your mover whether they would use crate or corrugated material. The latter save money, time, and is environment-friendly
-          Make sure that the boxes are packed and labeled properly on the basis of office location, content and importance
On the Day of Move
Check all items as per the record sheet at the time of loading and unloading. Your record sheet should match that of the driver who is responsible for transporting your goods